Arnica: Plant that relieves muscle pain and joint pain with many subtleties!

You find in this video and in this article :

- The benefits of arnica

- The main active substances of arnica

- The different indications of arnica

- The uses of arnica

- Arnica in homeopathy

- The side effects of arnica

- Allergy to arnica

- Contraindications of arnica

- Recommendations on the use of arnica

To begin, it is interesting to know that the mountain arnica is also called arnica montana or Vosges tobacco.

It looks like yellow daisies.

The parts that are used in this plant in phytotherapy are the dry flowers.

They contain active substances of the coumarin family. These have an anticoagulant action, they prevent the formation of clots (called thrombus) that could hinder the proper circulation of blood.

Arnica also contains flavonoids and lactones like helenalin. These molecules have anti-inflammatory (they reduce inflammation) and analgesic (they relieve pain) properties.

Please note that these substances can cause allergies in some people.

Arnica is used to relieve pain, bruises, contusions, dislocations, edema (due to fractures), muscle tears, shocks to joints, sprains.

It also limits the propagation of the hematoma.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, some people use it in mouthwash to relieve inflammations due to oral disorders such as gingivitis (inflammation of the gum) or aphta.

Know nevertheless that this mode of use is reserved to the adults only. It is absolutely not necessary to swallow it at the time of the baths of mouth.

Arnica can also be used in local application (cream, gel, oil, ...) to calm the insect bites, to support the venous circulation and to fight against the varicose veins as well as the phlebitis (callot which blocks the good circulation of blood within the lower limbs).

It is imperative to know that the use of the arnica in local application must be very punctual and for small traumatisms.

Its frequent and repeated use can involve small irritations of the skin like itchings, eczema and even necroses (death of the cells of the skin).

Arnica should never be applied to an open wound, nor to the eyes and mouth.

Arnica should only be taken orally through homeopathic specialties intended for this purpose.

Apart from homeopathy, this plant should not be taken orally, as it can cause diarrhea and, above all, heart rhythm disorders and respiratory problems.

In homeopathy, arnica is extremely diluted to produce tinctures at very low concentrations (infinitesimal), which are then put in the form of granules.

This plant should not be used in people allergic to plants of the same family such as chamomile or dandelion.

Because of its high allergic potential, it should first be applied to a small area of the skin and then see what happens. If there is no particular reaction, it is possible to apply it to a larger area.

Arnica is contraindicated in pregnant women by oral route except for homeopathic specialties, because it can increase the risk of miscarriage.

In the event of pregnancy, it is preferable not to use arnica by local application, even if the effects are less pronounced than by oral route.

In the same way, the topicals (creams, gels, ointments, oils,?) containing arnica should not be applied around the nipple in the woman who nurses.

As regards the children, it is possible to use it if they have more than 3 years.

To limit the side effects of the arnica, privilege the homeopathic products

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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