AUBEPINE: Benefits, Side Effects and Contraindications in 5 minutes!

You can find in this Youtube video and in this health and wellness blog post :

- The parts of hawthorn that are used

- The properties of hawthorn

- The active ingredients of hawthorn

- How to use hawthorn? How to make hawthorn infusions?

- Recommendations and contraindications of hawthorn

- The side effects of hawthorn

The hawthorn is a plant repeated to fight against sleep disorders and nervousness while these benefits have been demonstrated on other health issues.

 The parts of hawthorn that are used

The most commonly used parts of hawthorn are the flowers, leaves and berries.

The properties of hawthorn

Hawthorn is recommended to fight against light insomnia, nervousness, but also in certain cardiac disorders (palpitations, heart failure) in addition to other treatments, asthma, symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, irritability).

This plant can also be proposed in case of gallstones, diarrhea, ringing in the ears or pain related to menstruation.

Active ingredients of hawthorn

The active ingredients of hawthorn are flavonoids and proanthocyanidins. These substances belong to the group of antioxidants, they have protective effects on the heart and blood vessels by regulating the rhythm of heart contractions and limiting the increase in blood pressure.

Hawthorn helps the heart to adapt to the effort. It relieves the disorders of the cardiac rhythm in connection with nervousness, the stress or the anxiety like for example the palpitations, it supports the oxygen supply with the heart by facilitating the circulation of blood through the cardiac arteries (coronaries), it also helps to reinforce the contraction of the heart.

The drowsiness effect of hawthorn would come from proanthocyanidins.

How to use hawthorn? How to make hawthorn infusions?

Aubépine BIO Vegavero® | 700 mg d’Extrait par gélule | QUALITÉ FRANÇAISE | Sans Additifs | Titré à 1,5% en Flavonoïdes | Antioxydant Naturel + Relaxant | 

Hawthorn can be used in the form of a capsule as a dietary supplement in infusion, just put 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dry flowers in 1 large glass of boiling water, let infuse 10 minutes and drink the drink.

Nevertheless, it is not necessary to go beyond 4 cups per day.The first beneficial effects appear after a few weeks.It is possible to make a cure under 3 weeks to stop 2 weeks and to take again the cure.

France Herboristerie Tisane Aubépine Sommité Fleurie

Recommendations and contraindications of hawthorn

There are no contraindications to the use of hawthorn, except for pregnant and nursing women.

The use of this plant is also not recommended for children. If you ever want to take specialities containing hawthorn to fight against your children's nervousness, ask your doctor for advice first.

It is important to know that in case of heart problems, it is imperative to consult a specialist doctor (cardiologist) to find the cause of rhythm disorders or other heart-related problems.

It is essential to seek the advice of a cardiologist before using hawthorn or other medicinal plants.

Side effects of hawthorn

The side effects of hawthorn are not very frequent and are only of a digestive nature.

You should also know that there are no interactions observed with treatments prescribed to relieve heart problems and hawthorn.

In Germany, this plant is often recommended for elderly people who do not have heart problems in particular to strengthen their heart capacities.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:

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