Benefits of the TOMATO , a food that helps to lose weight

You find in this Youtube video and in this health and wellness blog post:

- Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

- What are the benefits of tomatoes?

- Does the tomato make you fat?

- Some nutritional values of the tomato

Is the tomato a fruit or a vegetable?

I make a small recall, by definition, a fruit is a food which contains at least a seed and which grows from the flower of its plant.

On the other hand, a vegetable is the edible part of a vegetable plant (leaves, roots or tuber for the potato for example, ...).

As you know, the tomato contains seeds and it grows from the flower of its plant, it is therefore classified as a fruit. 

What are the benefits of tomatoes?

It contains a lot of vitamins from the A, B, C, E and K groups.

It is also rich in minerals and trace elements such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, cobalt and nickel.

The consumption of tomato is very beneficial for the vision and the skin, it also helps to fight against fatigue and stress.

Thanks to its content of antioxidants such as lycopene, tomatoes help prevent cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancers such as colon, rectal, prostate and breast cancer.

The tomato is one of the foods rich in fiber, it relieves constipation and facilitates digestion.

It protects the body against infections, it also has anti-inflammatory properties, it limits inflammation.

Does the tomato make you fat?

The tomato is an ideal vegetable fruit for a slimming diet.

The tomato is low in calories, there are about 20 calories in 100 g of tomatoes (an average size tomato weighs 120 g). The tomato is therefore often recommended during diets.

Some nutritional values of the tomato

It is a very beneficial food, especially because of its nutritional values. 

Indeed, 100 g of tomato contains 0,8 g of proteins, 4,6 g of carbohydrates, 0,8 g of lipids and 1,2 g of fiber.

It is recommended to eat it raw and ripe to get the most out of its benefits.

Dr Noura Marashi (docteur en pharmacie, youtubeuse santé, créatrice de l'application santé bien-être Pharmaquiz),

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1 comment

  • FAQ : Voici quelques questions que nous avons reçu sur la tomate

    - Qu’on mange la tomate crue ou cuite ? C’est identique ?
    —> Pour bénéficier de tous ses bienfaits, il est péférable de la manger crue 😊👍

    - Est-ce que la tomate est un fruit ou un légume ?
    —> La tomate contient des graiunes et elle pousse de la fleur de sa plante, elle appartient donc au groupe des fruits par définition


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