Bipolar: simple definition

Understanding Bipolarity: Symptoms, Phases and Treatments

Bipolarity is a term that many people know, but few really understand. It's a psychological illness that affects the lives of many people. It is characterized by extreme mood fluctuations, alternating between phases of **euphoria** and **depression**.

What is bipolarity?

Bipolarity manifests itself in distinct episodes:
- Depressive phase: This period can last a long time, with serious consequences for daily life. Symptoms include loss of motivation, negative thoughts and constant fatigue. This deep depression can sometimes lead to dangerous behavior if left untreated.
- Euphoria phase: The opposite of depression, this phase is characterized by boundless energy, reduced need for sleep and overestimation of one's abilities. Although euphoria may seem positive, it is often accompanied by impulsive behavior and irrational decision-making.

Characteristic symptoms

People with bipolar disorder experience extreme emotional ups and downs. Among the most common symptoms are :
- Prolonged depression,
- Irritability and impulsivity,
- Rapid and frequent mood swings,
- Risky behavior during manic phases (euphoria).

Treating and managing bipolarity

It's crucial to understand that bipolarity is a condition that can be managed with the right treatment. Options include:
- Mood-stabilizing medications,
- Cognitive-behavioral therapies, or CBTs, are a psychological approach aimed at modifying negative thoughts and behaviors. They help patients identify dysfunctional thought patterns, then replace them with more positive, realistic thoughts. CBTs are often used to treat disorders such as depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, offering practical tools to better manage emotions and difficult situations.
- Regular follow-up with a health professional.

If you'd like to know more about this illness, I invite you to discover the video I created dedicated to bipolarity. It will give you more details on the symptoms, phases and solutions to better manage this illness.

👉 Click here to watch the video and don't forget to subscribe for simplified health information!

Dr Noura Marashi (Doctor of Pharmacy, health youtuber, creator of the Pharmaquiz health and well-being app),

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