Burn out / Professional exhaustion: definition, signs, solutions


You find in this video and in this article:

- The definition of burn out

- The symptoms of burn out

- How to prevent burn out?

- Burn out complications

First, know that for theWHO(world Health Organization), the burn out results in a feeling of intense fatigue, of loss of control and inability to lead to results concrete to work.

It’s just a mental disorder which presents itself when the person has a stress Too intense and over a long period at work. This stress isfromto a permanent search for results.

the burn out generally appears in difficult working conditions where there is a permanent search for results and performance.

To increase their self -confidence and avoid failure, the person gives himself thoroughly, but since working conditions remain the same, the results are absent or insufficient. This causes permanent frustration and a vicious circle. The person is totally exhausted.

Symptoms of burn out are both physical and psychic, there is:
-Permanent fatigue
-Headaches, stomach aches, back pain
-UNOT Important Professional Frustration, the person works enormously, but The results are absent or insufficient
-An unusual and excessive emotional detachment vis-à-vis the entourage
-An isolation of the person who folds up on herself
-A feeling of failure

If he persists, he can cause disorders from behaviour in terms of food, alcohol addiction or illicit substances, depression, a Type 2 diabetes, overweight, obesity and cardiovascular illnesses.

The causes of burn out are generally linked The person's working conditions: Overload tasks, lack of autonomy, too much badly defined responsibilities, lack of recognition.

It is interesting to know that this problem more often affects ambitious perfectionists, in lack of affection as well as people subject to conflicts in their lives as family …The most affected professions are nurses and caregivers.

It is possible to limit the appearance of burn out By respecting some rules:
-Farea a list of tasks to be accomplished with a priority order
- Set concrete, precise and realistic objectives in a designed period
- Do not hesitate to delegate a third party to a third party when it is possible
- Recognize and analyze stress situations to better control them and avoid them
- Do not hesitate to refuse to accomplish a task or to put it back until possible and that there will not be too many consequences
- Avoid comparing yourself to your colleagues or those around him
- Discuss his problems with his loved ones or health professionals, avoid isolation and withdrawal
- Practice regular and suitable physical activity to evacuate the stress
- Take breaks regularly, even 5 minutes
- Avoid emails, professional messages outside working hours and environments professionals

If you ever suffer from the symptoms of burn out, talk to your doctor, solutions can be implemented quickly.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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