Carrot: benefits, composition, calories and weight loss in 3 minutes!

You find in this video and in this article:

- The main vitamins of the carrot

- The main trace elements and minerals of the carrot

- Carrot antioxidants and their effects on the body (prevention of cell aging, cardiovascular diseases and certain cancers)

- the carrot and its richness in dietary fiber

- the calories contained a raw carrot on average

- The meileur carrot conservation mode

To start, know that the carrot is rich in vitamins of the group HAS, B, VS , E and K, as well as in trace elements and minerals such as theiron(Fe), the phosphorus (P) and the potassium(K).

The particularity of the carrot is that it contains of the fibers and carotenoidsLike beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthine. These substances give it its color orange and give him strong power antioxidant.

Consumed Regularly, these antioxidants make it possible to fight against the risk of the appearance of cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer (lung cancer or breast cancer), cell aging as well as the appearance of the catcarcte. 

Antioxidants content in the carrot are liposoluble, that is to say that they are attracted to fat. It is therefore advisable to eat the carrot with a little fatty acids such as olive oil to optimize theirIntestinal absorption.

It is interesting to know that the combination of fibers and antioxidants within foods reinforce their beneficial effects,notably on reducing the rate of cholesterol.

Know that a carrot contains on average 30 calories. It is often used as appetite suppressantin food regimes.

It can be consumed raw or cooked or in juice, know all the same that cooking optimizes the beneficial effects of the carrot and the juice of carrot contains more calories than other forms.

The conservation of carrots is done in the refrigerator within the vegetable tray, it is preferable to consume them within 2 weeks of their purchase.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz) application

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