How to eat during the fasting month of RAMADAN?

You will find in this article and in this video :

- The principle of fasting in the month of Ramadan

- What food to eat during the fasting of Ramadan

- What to eat in the morning before sunrise during Ramadan?

- What to eat in the evening during the iftor meal

First of all, you should know that during the month of Ramadan, as far as food is concerned, practitioners should not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset.

There are 2 meals that are allowed, the morning meal "suhour" before sunrise and the evening meal "iftor" after sunset.

To avoid hunger and loss of energy during the day, it is advisable to eat slow sugars in the morning, such as rice, pasta, potato or lentils accompanied by a portion of meat, fish or eggs.

It is interesting to know that water and drinks consumed in the morning before dawn, are eliminated very quickly during the day, so it is important to eat fruits and vegetables rich in water such as tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, melon or zucchini, to hydrate throughout the day and prevent the sensation of thirst.

These foods also provide vitamins, minerals, trace elements and fiber to help digestion and fight constipation.

If you are unable to eat salty meals in the morning or if these foods are difficult to swallow in the morning, it is possible to prepare porridges based on oatmeal, oilseeds (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, ...) and fruit (bananas, strawberries, ...) by supplementing with an omelet, cheese or yogurt.

It is advisable to break the fast with a hot drink accompanied by dried fruit such as dates, figs or raisins for example. These fruits quickly raise blood sugar levels and prepare the body for the evening meal.

For the evening meal, it is preferable to eat raw vegetables and soups or salads with a portion of meat, fish or eggs. The meal can be completed by a portion of cheese or yogurt.

To avoid weight gain (yes, it often happens) during the fasting of the month of Ramadan, it is preferable to limit the consumption of cakes and sweets, even if the temptation is very strong :) 

Indeed, these foods increase the blood sugar level very quickly and they are digested immediately by the body which causes blood sugar peaks and a feeling of hunger that arrives very quickly.

If you have any tips, feel free to post them in the comments of this article :)

Happy Ramadan 2023 to all ;)

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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