COPPER: properties, use, feeding in 5 minutes!

You find in this Youtube video and in this Pharmaquiz health blog post:

- What are the properties of copper?

- Why take copper?

- Food sources of copper

- Is copper harmful to health?

What are the properties of copper?

To begin with, copper is a component of many enzymes. Enzymes are molecules that activate a large number of chemical reactions in our bodies.

Copper is involved in :

The metabolism of iron by promoting the formation of red blood cells and the production of hemoglobin (protein found inside red blood cells, it allows the transport of oxygen through the blood).
The proper functioning of the metabolism (transformation) of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins in our body
The protection of the body against oxidative stress which leads to accelerated aging of our cells and their deterioration (antioxidant role)
The production of energy within our cells
The production of collagen
The proper functioning of the immune system and the nervous system
The formation of tendons (structure that allows the insertion of the muscle into the bone), cartilage (tissue found at the end of the bones, at the level of the joints, it has the role of cushioning the shocks during movements) and bones

Why take copper?

Copper is very beneficial for the growth and maintenance of bone mass.

It helps to fight against osteoporosis (weakening of the bones due to a reduction in bone density) and osteoarthritis (deterioration of the joints which causes significant pain)

Know that a balanced and varied diet is sufficient to meet our copper needs.

The recommendations are 1.5 mg to 3 mg of copper per day for an adult.

However, it is important to know that some people who are malnourished may have a copper deficiency.

The main signs of copper deficiency are fatigue due to anemia (reduced hemoglobin levels in the blood), weak bones, stunted growth and recurrent infections.

Food sources of copper

You can find copper in many foods such as seafood, shellfish, lentils, chickpeas, dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and brewers yeast.

Is copper harmful to my health?

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that an excessive intake of copper can be dangerous for our body.

Indeed, copper in excess can cause bleeding, vomiting, important diarrhea as well as liver problems.

It is therefore imperative that you first seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist before taking copper-enriched food supplements.

I would like to point out that iron and zinc can reduce the absorption of copper, so it is important to leave a 2-hour delay between taking copper and these different food supplements.

Dr. Noura Marashi (doctor of pharmacy, health youtuber, creator of the health and well-being application Pharmaquiz),

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  • je mange entre 500% et 1000% des valeurs journaliers recommandĂ© (cuivre zinc fer) je pense tomber dans l’exces mais je peux pas faire autrement car je mange 3500c/j
    je me demande si au final c’est dangereux ou non

    Bonjour, effectivement une augmentation trop importante de fer, zinc et cuivre peut entraĂźner d’importantes complications au sein de l’organisme (problĂšsmes aux niveaux cardiaque, immunitaire, 
),. Il est impĂ©ratif de rĂ©aliser une prise de sang afin de vĂ©rifier les taux de ces diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments au sein de votre organisme pour Ă©viter les Ă©xcĂšs et les Ă©ventuels dommages qu’ils pouraient entraĂźner, mais aussi ajuster votre alimentation en fonction de vos rĂ©els besoins :)

  • Bonjour, ma peau noirci (devient vert) quand je porte du cuivre qu’est ce que cela veut dire ? et pour l’or ( hors point de vue religieux) on ma dit que c’est mauvais pour les hommes hormis pour les casses cou qui se blesse souvent, c’est pour cela d’ailleurs que l’or est conseillĂ© pour les femme.

    Bonjour, il s’agit de la rĂ©action des sels minĂ©raux qui se libĂšrent de votre peau (sueur) avec le cuivre. Concernant l’or, honnĂȘtement pour le moment je n’ai pas de rĂ©elles informations scientifiquement prouvĂ©es. 😊

  • Bonjour, avec plaisir :)
    En effet, certaines personnes peuvent prĂ©senter une hypersensibilitĂ© (allergie) Ă  diffĂ©rents mĂ©taux. Il serait judicieux d’en parler avec votre mĂ©decin pour rĂ©aliser une analyse sanguine et voir si vous ĂȘtes hypersensible au cuivre.

  • Bonjour,
    Merci beaucoup pour vos explications.
    Je souffre d’une spondylarthrite sacco-illiaque. Au vue de vos explications je me pose la question suivante : Est-ce que le fait de porter un stĂ©rilet en cuivre pourrait ĂȘtre la raison (ou un accĂ©lĂ©rateur) ? Comme vous parler que l’excĂšs de cuivre peut perturber le corps.


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