Is Henna good for my health? How to use Henna on hair and skin?

You will find in this Youtube video and in this health and wellness blog article :

- The different types of henna

- The active ingredients of henna

- The uses of henna

- Is henna good for your hair?

- Henna hair coloring

- Is henna good for the skin?

- Recommendations on the use of henna

- How to store henna

Henna is a plant that is widely used for its natural coloring power on both skin and hair, but it also has other benefits.

First of all, you should know that there are 3 types of henna, the natural henna, it is the one that is mostly used, it comes from the plant called Lawsonia inermis, it is the one I will talk about today.

The other two are neutral henna from the Cassia obovata plant and black henna from the indigofera tinctorium plant. It is important to know that the use of black henna is not recommended due to its high risk of allergy.

Natural henna comes mainly from North Africa, the Middle East and India.

The main active ingredients of henna are lawsone, gallic acid and xanthone.

The most used parts of this plant are the dry leaves, which are rich in lawsone, a coloring pigment that also has antifungal properties ('it helps to fight against the multiplication of undesirable fungi for our body), antiparasitic (especially against lice), antibacterial and antiseptic.

Henna can be used to fight against inflammation and rheumatic pains thanks to its xanthone content, but it also has healing properties. It can be applied to the skin to relieve burns or sunburn.

Henna helps to limit hair loss, promote hair growth, strengthen the hair, limit dandruff formation and regulate sebum secretion. It is as beneficial for dry hair as it is for oily hair.

Lawsone exerts its coloring power by attaching to the keratin naturally present in the hair and skin via a chemical reaction.

The more the lawsone binds to the keratin, the darker the color obtained.

For a good hair color, you should mix the henna powder with water at room temperature until you get a paste, apply the henna on the hair and wait for at least 2 hours.

If you want a darker color, you should extend the waiting time and rinse with water.

For dry hair, it is possible to add a teaspoon of vegetable oil such as shea or coconut oil for example.

When applied to the skin in combination with black soap, henna helps to eliminate dead skin. It cleans the skin, limits odors and purifies the skin by its antiseptic action.

It is important to know that henna can cause allergies in some people.

It is important not to exceed the recommended doses.

Henna should not be used on children under the age of 3.

Be careful not to eat it, as there is a risk of oral intoxication. Also, do not inhale it or put it in contact with the eyes or mouth.

Henna should only be used on the skin and hair.

It tends to oxidize when in contact with metal, making it unsuitable for use, so it should not be in contact with metal objects. 

Finally, henna powder can be stored for several years as long as it is kept in an airtight container away from humidity and light. Indeed, the bathroom is not the appropriate place for a good conservation of henna.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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