Glaucoma: definition, symptoms, open angle, closed angle, treatment, laser


You will find in this video and in this article:

- The definition of glaucoma

- open angle glaucoma

- Glaucom with closed angle

- symptoms of glaucoma

- Glaucoma risk factors

- glaucoma treatments

- complications that glaucoma can cause

First, know that glaucoma is due to an increase in the pressure liquids intraocular (inside the eye). Which leads to a deterioration Room structures to transmit retina information to the brain.

The retina is simply the place where the image is formed perceived by the eye. It is a membrane which is at the bottom of the eye, it is made up of different cells called cones and sticks.

The cones are stimulated by light. They allow you to have a precise vision of shapes and colors, they have a fundamental role in day vision.

The sticks make it possible to even when the light is very low. They are essential for night vision.

I draw your attention to the fact that glaucoma can unfortunately lead to the blindness And so the total loss of vision if it is not supported correctly.

There are of them types Glaucoma:

- Angle glaucoma firm Where acute : appearance sudden, the eye is very bad, it is a EMERGENCY ophthalmic

- Angle glaucoma open Where chronic : appearance gradual

The symptoms of closed angle glaucoma appear suddenly:

- The eye becomes very painful, red and hard like a ball

- The vision is deteriorated, the person sees a color (light halo) in color around the light sources.

- Nausea and vomiting

This type of glaucoma most often affects the elderly.

If you are in the presence of a person who has these symptoms, it must be brought to the emergency room ophthalmic, because it risks losing its sight in just a few hours.

I reassure you, closed angle glaucoma is much less frequent than open angle glaucoma.

In this type of glaucoma, the symptoms are less pronounced, it can affect both eyes at once.

We can find:

- A pressure at the eye level

- Wracks

- Headache a few times

- Vision disorders will also be able to appear after a certain time, especially in the visual field, the person has the feeling of seeing through a tube.

The causes of glaucoma are not yet fully known. We just know that there is an increase in liquid pressure inside the eye.

It is imperative to know that some medications can cause a glaucoma crisis acute (closed angle). These are certain types of antidepressants (imipramine), some antihistamines, certain antispasmodics, neuroleptics and antiparkinsonian.

Taking this type of medication is prohibited in people at risk of closed angle glaucoma.

The main risk factors for open or chronic angle glaucoma are:

- Heredity

- Age greater than 60 years

- the Type 2 diabetes, I'high blood pressure, cardiovascular illnesses, hypothyroidism

- Strong myopia

- The tobacco

The diagnosis of glaucoma rests on the examination of the eyes by the ophthalmologist. This will check the pressure of the eye, the state of the retina with the bottom of the eye. It is an examination to visualize the retina and part of the optic nerve in order to see the lesions at the levels of these structures.

The visual field is an examination which makes it possible to observe the changes in the vision of the person. It confirms the diagnosis by the presence of a tubular vision.

Glaucoma treatments depend on its type, they are intended to limit the damage.

You still have to know that they do not allow to restore a lost vision, but just to keep it at a stable state.

For closed angle glaucoma (ophthalmic emergency), treatment is to reduce pressure inside the eye via medication.

Regarding chronic glaucoma (open angle), the treatment aims to reduce and maintain the pressure inside the eye to a level given according to the morphology of the patient's eye.

I encourage one point, in this type of glaucoma, he is imperative that the patient follows his life treatment, because even if he does not find big changes when you stop treatment, it is exposed to a risk important. This disease is devolution gradual. Complications will therefore be perceptible by the patient only after some time. If the vision is deteriorated, it will be too late to remedy it.

Finally, know that the laser Can be recommended in some patients in both types of glaucoma. Laser intervention is under local anesthesia via eye drops, it aims to rebalance Liquid pressure inside the eye.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:

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