Glutamine: definition, functions, food sources, uses and recommendations


You will find in this video and in this article:

- What is glutamine for?

- Glutamine deficiency

- What are the food sources of glutamine?

- How should we use glutamine?

- glutamine and its contraindications

First, know that glutamine is a amino acid, that is to say a molecule which enters the composition of protein.

It’s the most amino acid abundant in the blood and in the muscles.

It is both produced by our body and bring through our diet.

You should know that the production of glutamine by our own organism decreases with age.

The needs In this amino acid increase during a activity intellectual, physical or in case of stress.

Glutamine allows the elimination by the kidneys ammonia which is a toxin. It thus allows to restore theAcid-base balance of our body.

This amino acid contributes to cell renewal and the maintenance of healthy skin.

Glutamine plays an essential role in training and maintenance of muscular mass. It is also very beneficial for the memory and the concentration, but also for the system immune as well as hair.

The deficiency in this amino acid can lead to fatigue, difficulties in concentrating or insomnia.

I draw your attention to the fact that during a glutamine deficiency, the body draws from its reserves from the muscle. It degrades muscle proteins to release glutamine.

Finally, be aware that glutamine is present in meat, fish, cereals, spinach and parsley. A varied and balanced diet generally makes it possible to meet our needs in this amino acid.

Whether You never want to take glutamine-based food supplements, talk to your doctor oryourpharmacist, cartheyare not recommended in case of pregnancy, breastfeeding, renal, or hepatic insufficiency and in case of some diseases affecting the nervous system as bipolar disorder for example.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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