SWEET SEEDS / Oil : benefits, composition, preparation, conservation in less than 10 minutes

You will find in this Youtube video and in this health and wellness blog post:

- The main vitamins of squash seeds or pumpkin seeds

- The main minerals and trace elements in pumpkin seeds 

- The active principles of pumpkin seeds

- The benefits of pumpkin seeds on prostate disorders

- The benefits of pumpkin seeds on hormonal imbalances in women

- How to consume pumpkin seeds to take advantage of all their benefits?

- How to preserve pumpkin seeds?

- Recommendations and advice on pumpkin seeds and their oil

- The pumpkin seed oil: benefits, use

The pumpkin seed is very interesting for our health because of its nutritional qualities.

The pumpkin seeds come from the pumpkin.

They are rich in lipids (50%), proteins (30%), fibers (6.5%), vitamins of the groups A, C, B6, E and K, minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium.

Pumpkin seeds are mainly used to relieve urination disorders related to benign prostatic hypertrophy, i.e. an increase in the volume of the prostate or irritation of the bladder also called overactive bladder.

The pumpkin seeds have diuretic properties (they support the elimination of the urine), they also stimulate the immune system in particular thanks to zinc which they contain.

These seeds also make it possible to fight against tiredness by their richness in magnesium, iron and vitamin B6. They facilitate the digestion and the intestinal transit, they limit the excess of cholesterol LDL.

The pumpkin seeds are often used for the good health of the hair, the skin and the nails.

They contain phytoestrogens (molecules close to estrogens) which allow to rebalance hormonal imbalances in women and to reduce the symptoms of menopause.

The active ingredients of pumpkin seeds are zinc, unsaturated fatty acids (omega-3), phytosterols (fatty acids of vegetable origin) and carotenoids (antioxidants).

Pumpkin seeds should be stored in the refrigerator. To get the most out of them, they should be eaten within a reasonable time.

There are about 450 calories for 100g of pumpkin seeds.

They can be eaten raw or crushed into a powder in various dishes. It is possible to incorporate them in salads, soups, muesli, cereals, ...

The raw or dry form is to be preferred to the roasted, grilled or cooked form in order to benefit from all their benefits.

The oil of pumpkin seeds also has many virtues. It is rich in omega-6, omega-9 and omega-3. It also contains saturated fatty acids such as palmitic acid, but in smaller quantities.

Unsaturated fatty acids reduce the increase in LDL cholesterol and therefore limit the risk of cardiovascular disease, they are also beneficial for people who suffer from diabetes.

Pumpkin seed oil is rich in vitamin E, a true antioxidant that also has a role in protecting cells.

Vitamin E is very beneficial for the skin and in particular dry skin, chapped lips, wrinkles, fine lines and hair, it is nourishing, repairing and strengthening.

Pumpkin seed oil is also known to limit baldness or androgenic alopecia in men by inhibiting the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase which promotes the transformation of testosterone into 5-dihydrotestosterone, responsible for this type of hair loss in men.

This oil is also rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that allows the synthesis of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that provides a feeling of well-being, limits stress, anxiety and depression.

Pumpkin seed oil can be used by local application (on the skin and hair) or by injection or orally, alone or as a salad dressing for example.

This oil should not be heated. Like all vegetable oils, it should not be abused because it is very rich in lipids.

It is advisable to vary the vegetable oils in order to benefit from their nutritional qualities.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3CzlCm-0Yh7-lYM6K2SfVg?sub_confirmation=1

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