Iron/iron deficiency: symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, diet

You find in this video and in this article:

- What is iron for?

- How can you diagnose an iron deficiency?

- What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?

- Who are the people most often affected by iron deficiency?

- How to treat an iron deficiency?

- What are the side effects of iron -based drugs?

- What foods are rich in iron?

Iron is a trace element which has the main function of transporting oxygen through blood via a protein called hemoglobin.This is in red blood cells.

It also makes it possible to fix oxygen at the levels of muscles Thanks to another protein, the myoglobin.

Iron is very important for our body, because iron deficiency leads to Anemia, that is to say a reduction in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Anemia can cause different symptoms such as pallor, of the fatigue, of the palpitations, but also a fall of hair, a reduction of the activity intellectual especially in children as well as a decrease of immunity.

The diagnosis of iron deficiency is simply made by a blood test where the doctor asks for the dosage of the ferritin (Protein which makes it possible to assess iron stocks within the body) and hemoglobin.

When an iron deficiency is observed, the doctor may prescribe iron -based tablets.

You still have to know that these drugs can cause effects secondary such as nausea, of the vomiting and stool black.

Iron can also interact With other types of drugs such as some antibiotics, hormonal treatments given to settle the rate of thyroid hormones as well as the treatments to limit osteoporosis. It is therefore advisable to put a period of of them hours Between taking iron and other types of treatments.

Some people take surplus iron to increase their physical capacities and fight against fatigue.

This should not be done without the advice of the doctor or the pharmacist, because a excess iron can also cause significant complicationsLike heart rhythm, diabetes, hepatic cirrhosis (irreversible and diffuse lesions of liver cells) in the most serious cases.

Iron is present in many food such as red meat, poultry, fish, seafood and crustaceans, but also in vegetable products such as green vegetables, nuts and dried fruits.

It should be noted that the iron of vegetable origin is less well absorbed by our body than animal origin, it is therefore advisable to season the vegetables with lemon in order to promote the absorption of iron by our body.

If food is not enough to meet iron needs, food supplements can be used with the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

Here is an example of a food supplement often recommended in case of iron deficiency. Obviously, it is important to follow its evolution to be sure that supplementation is effective.

Solgar® Gentle Iron Sweet Iron (iron bisglycinate) 20 mg,Click here

Finally, the consumption of different drinks such as coffee or tea can reduce the absorption of iron. It is therefore preferable to put a two -hour delay between taking the iron and this type of drinks.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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