Date benefits: Better snack!
You find in this video and in this article:
- The main vitamins of the date
- the main trace elements and minerals of the date
- the benefits of dates consumption for our body
The date is a very complete and beneficial to the point of view nutritional.
It contains a lot of carbohydrates but also vitamin (HAS, B, VS, E), of the protein , of the fibers and mineralsas thecalcium(CA), thephosphorus(P), thepotassium(K), theiron(Fe), themagnesium(Mg), thecopper(Cu) and thezinc(Zn).
It is often recommended for athletes Because she is very energetic and it allows facilitate the work muscular.
It is good remedyagainst the constipation Because of its high content fibers food.
Thanks to its many virtues it allows facilitate the digestion.
She very beneficial for the heart, the brain, the seen, the system nervous.
The consumption of dates allows Wrestle against anemia and fatigue,but also to limit the risk of the appearance ofcancer of the intestine and of the stomach.
Because of its many benefits The date is a recommended food during periods of convalescence both in children and in adults. However, it should not be abused because it contains a lot of carbohydrates and can increase the blood pressure.
Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),
Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:
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