Walnut / Walnut Oil: Benefits and Harms in 7 minutes!

You will find in this Youtube video and in this health and wellness blog article :

- The nutritional composition of nuts (vitamins, trace elements, minerals, fatty acids, proteins, ...)

- The lipids present in nuts and their benefits for our health (omega-3, omega-6, ...)

- The walnut, a food that reduces cholesterol levels

- The benefits of nuts for our health

- The disadvantages of nuts

- Nuts against constipation

- From what age can we give nuts to children ?

- Can we eat nuts during a diet to lose weight ?

- Calories for 100 g of nuts

- Allergy to nuts

- Advice and recommendations for the consumption of nuts

- The virtues of walnut oil

- The composition of walnut oil

- How to use walnut oil in cooking

- The effects of walnut oil on hair and skin

- Tips and recommendations for the use of walnut oil

The walnut is a nut that has many benefits. It is rich in vitamins B, E and K, but also in: manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, copper, iron and magnesium.

The walnut contains unsaturated fatty acids (omega-6, omega-3, omega-9), proteins, carbohydrates and fibers. The latter are very useful to facilitate digestion and intestinal transit.

This nut is a real cardiovascular protector. It helps fight against excess cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and colon cancer.

Thanks to its content in vitamin B and the different trace elements and minerals it contains, walnuts help reduce fatigue and stress, but also stimulate the immune system, which is very interesting during the winter to fight against the different viruses.

The proteins in walnuts are made up of arginine, an amino acid that is very interesting for our health, it reduces the risk of the appearance of thrombus (clot that blocks the passage of blood in the blood vessels) due to the aggregation of platelets.

Thanks to its high content of omega-3, the regular consumption of walnuts (3 per day), helps to reduce the symptoms caused by Alzheimer's disease and to limit its risk of appearance.

Walnuts are also rich in phytosterols (fatty acids of vegetable origin) and polyphenols such as gallic acid. The latter are antioxidants, they are mainly present in the thin layer that covers the nut.

The walnut is a source of vitamin E which also plays the role of antioxidant.

It is important to know that the level of vitamin E tends to decrease after a few months when the nuts are kept in the refrigerator, so they should be consumed quickly in the weeks following their purchase.

The active principles contained in walnuts stimulate the cognitive functions of the brain (functions that allow to adapt to the external environment) and help learning and reasoning.

It is interesting to know that walnuts also contain melatonin (a hormone that acts at the brain level, it regulates biological rhythms such as sleep for example).

The walnut is beneficial for male fertility and the neurological development of the embryo.

There are approximately 709 calories for 100 g of walnuts.

Walnuts allow to reach satiety quickly because of their high fiber and lipid content, which limits the feeling of hunger and reduces the calorie intake of the person by reducing snacking.

They can be used during slimming diets in reasonable quantities (3 per day maximum).

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that walnuts should not be consumed by children under 3 years of age because of their high risk of allergy.

People who suffer from kidney or urinary stones should also limit their consumption of nuts, as they are rich in oxalate (a substance that promotes the development of kidney stones).

Nuts can also promote mouth ulcers in susceptible individuals.

To get the full benefit of nuts, it is best to choose them in the shell. Fatty acids tend to turn rancid when exposed to air, which causes them to lose their quality.

It is important to keep them in the refrigerator and not to forget to eat them before 3 months.

Walnut oil is rich in polyphenols, phytosterol, omega-6 and omega-3. Taking two tablespoons of this oil meets our daily needs in omega-3.

Walnut oil is rich in vitamins of the E and K groups.

This oil can be used as a local application on the skin and hair or as an ingestion.

Applied to the skin, it has antioxidant, nourishing, regenerating and softening properties.

It can be used on dry, frizzy hair to tone and moisturize it.

In injection, walnut oil has the same benefits as walnuts, it limits the risk of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

It is recommended to use organic extra virgin oil.

However, it should not be abused, because it is very rich in lipids.

It is important to know that walnut oil is not heat resistant, it should only be used as a seasoning.

Finally, to keep all its benefits, it should be kept in the refrigerator away from light.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3CzlCm-0Yh7-lYM6K2SfVg?sub_confirmation=1

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