PEPPER: all the information you need to know in 5 minutes!

You can find in this video and in this article :

- The origins of black pepper

- The active substances of black pepper

- Is pepper good for your health?

- What are the different peppers?

- The benefits of pepper essential oil and its use

- How to use pepper for maximum benefit ?

- Harmful effects of pepper

- Recommendations on the consumption of pepper

Black pepper is native to India, South East Asia, Latin America and Africa. 

It is composed of vitamins of groups  A, B (B1, B3, B6, B9) and E, trace elements and minerals such as potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), selenium (Se) and iodine (I).

It is also rich in carbohydrates, fiber and protein.

Be aware that the amount of pepper consumed by a person per day is very limited (0.2g to 0.5g), which limits the contribution of these elements to our body with pepper.

Pepper can be used as is or in the form of essential oil to facilitate digestion.

It promotes the release of salivary (saliva) and gastric (stomach) secretions. It stimulates the enzymes (molecules that activate chemical reactions) of the pancreas, it limits bloating and constipation. It is a carminative, that is to say that it supports the expulsion of intestinal gases.

Pepper also helps to reduce nausea, lack of appetite and infections.

The active ingredients of black pepper are from the family of alkaloids (molecules of plant origin with at least one nitrogen atom in their chemical formula). It is mainly piperine. This active substance has very interesting anti-inflammatory properties to relieve arthritis (inflammation of the joints).

It should not be abused, because in high doses, it can cause irritation of the mucous membranes (layers of cells that line the hollow space of an organ of the body such as the digestive tract, nasal cavities, bronchi, ..). This is why we sneeze very quickly as soon as pepper enters our nose (in contact with the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity).

It is interesting to know that the concomitant consumption of turmeric and pepper allows to have a synergy of action between their active principles and favors their absorption. Piperine favors the absorption and limits the degradation of curcumin, which amplifies its beneficial action in our body.

Piperine stimulates the release of endorphins, a neurotransmitter (chemical messenger acting at the brain level) which is involved in the state of well-being, limits depression, anxiety and insomnia.

Piperine also plays the role of antioxidant, it is a real hepatic protector (liver).

The pungent taste of pepper comes from its piperine content, the richer the pepper is in piperine the more pungent it is.

The other active ingredients of pepper are pine and limonem.

The consumption of pepper must really be very reasonable, it can cause irritation of the digestive tract if consumed in excess.

The difference between black, white, green and red pepper is in their degree of maturity. They all come from the same tree.

Green pepper is harvested at the beginning of the pepper's ripening process and is then exposed to the sun to transform into black pepper.

Red pepper is harvested at the end of the pepper's ripening process, and the peeling (removing the skin) of the pepper is used to produce white pepper.

Black pepper is the most mature, it contains more piperine than white pepper. 

To get the full benefits of pepper, it is best to buy it whole and grind it yourself.

Pepper and salt mill in brushed stainless steel and original quality glass (1 piece), Exceptional offer, 15% reduction

Industrialists tend to mix other substances with ground pepper, reducing its concentration of active ingredient, which makes it less rich in taste and benefits.

It is possible to use pepper as a seasoning for the various dishes you cook.

I would like to point out that the active ingredients of pepper are not heat resistant, so it must be added at the end of cooking.

People who suffer from intestinal irritations (hemorrhoids, gastritis, esophagitis, ulcers, crohn's disease, ...) should limit their consumption of pepper to avoid further irritating their stomach or intestine. 

Organic - Black pepper essential oil - 5ml - Certified therapeutic and chemotype quality - Aroma Labs - French manufacturing

The essential oil can be used in baths to reduce fever, as it stimulates sweating, which lowers body temperature.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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