Potassium: benefits, roles, deficiency, food in 5 minutes!

In this video and in this health and wellness blog post you will find:

- The definition of potassium

- The role of potassium in our body

- The recommended daily intake of potassium for men and women

- Signs of potassium deficiency or lack thereof 

- The risks of an excessive increase in potassium levels 

- Foods rich in potassium

To begin with, you should know that potassium is an electrolyte, which is a substance that breaks down in a liquid to form ions and allow an electric current to flow.

Let me remind you that an atom is made up of a nucleus around which particles of negative charge called electrons gravitate. These electrons allow chemical bonds to be made with other atoms to form molecules.

An ion is an atom that has lost or gained one or more electrons.

It is interesting to know that potassium is vital for our body, because it participates in many reactions such as

The maintenance of the acid-base balance, it controls the rate of fluid and the pH inside the cells, the pH is the unit allowing to evaluate the acidity or the basicity of a substance
The transmission of nerve impulses
Muscular contraction, particularly of the cardiac muscle (heart)
The control of blood pressure
The proper functioning of the kidneys and the adrenal glands (they are located just above the kidneys, their role is to release hormones that are chemical messengers such as cortisol)
The metabolism of carbohydrates, i.e. their transformation in the body
The production of proteins
Know that potassium is present in many fruits and vegetables such as bananas, pumpkins, potatoes with skin, avocados, white beans, ...

Orgurmed batch of white bean sachets 

A balanced and varied diet generally allows us to meet our potassium needs.

The recommended intake of potassium is 4 g to 5 g per day for adults to benefit from all its advantages, particularly on the cardiovascular level. It reduces the risk of high blood pressure (HTA), stroke and kidney stones. It also protects against bone deterioration (called osteoporosis).

What you need to know about high blood pressure, simply explained, Pharmaquiz, Dr Noura Morashi

Signs of potassium deficiency include severe fatigue, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain and muscle cramps.

I draw your attention to the fact that a true potassium deficiency is called hypokalemia. This decrease in potassium can be very serious for the patient, as it can lead to muscle paralysis and heart rhythm problems.

It is important to know that potassium deficiency can appear following important diarrhea and vomiting, but also when taking certain medications such as different diuretics (for example furosemide), stimulating laxatives or taking corticosteroids in high doses over a long period of time (corticosteroids in high doses can lead to a drop in potassium levels as a side effect over the long term)

If you are concerned by these different treatments, it is essential to control your potassium level with your doctor by taking regular blood tests in order to make up for any possible deficiency.

I would like to inform you that you should not supplement your diet with potassium without medical advice, because an excess of potassium is also dangerous for the body. A significant increase in the level of potassium (called hyperkalemia) can cause heart rhythm disorders leading to very serious complications.

You should also know that potassium can interact with certain types of medication, so it is advisable to delay your potassium intake from other treatments by 2 hours.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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