What are the benefits of SAGE? Digestion, Excessive sweating, ...

You will find in this Youtube video and in this health and wellness blog post :

- The main constituents of sage

- The different uses of sage

- The benefits of sage

- The contraindications of sage

- Things to know about sage essential oil

- Recommendations, advice and contraindications of sage

Sage is a plant often used to facilitate digestion, but it also has other benefits.

Sage is mainly cultivated and used in Mediterranean countries, whether in cooking or in traditional medicine.

There are different species of sage, the clary sage, the Spanish sage and the officinal sage which is the most used.

Sage is rich in vitamins of the B, C, E and K groups,

It also contains minerals and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, zinc, selenium and copper. Cf. playlist

Sage is a very complete plant in terms of its content of vitamins, trace elements and minerals, hence its many virtues.

The sage contains approximately 13 % of lipids, 60 % of glucids, 10 % of proteins and water.

It helps to fight against difficult digestion and stomach aches (bloating, heartburn, flatulence);

Sage also helps to limit excessive sweating and night sweats that can accompany menopause. 

This medicinal plant would have an anti-inflammatory action, at the level of the nose, the throat and the mouth in the event of viral infection like for example a cold.

Sage is known for its tonic properties.

It is also used to calm the pains related to the periods, to relieve the symptoms related to the menopause, to fight against the hormonal imbalances in the woman like for example the irregular periods.

Sage is beneficial for the memory, the liver, the regulation of glycemia in people who suffer from diabetes, disinfection and healing of small wounds and mosquito bites.

In gargle, sage limits the appearance of dental plaque (5 times a day maximum).

The active substances of sage are flavonoids (effect on digestion), phenolic acids (diterpenes, picrosalvin, rosmanol, ursolic acid, oleanic acid) which have an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action.

Sage also contains camphor oil and thujones which are toxic substances, they can cause convulsions similar to epilepsy.

It is interesting to know that in the form of an ointment, sage relieves cold sores (fever blisters).

It can be consumed as an infusion: put 1 g to 3 g of dry leaves in a large cup of hot water, let stand for 10 minutes and then drink the drink. Be aware that you should not exceed 3 cups per day for a maximum of 2 weeks.

Be careful, the essential oil of sage is very toxic, it should not be used, indeed, it contains an important quantity of thujones.

Sage is a plant contraindicated for people suffering from epilepsy.

The side effects of sage are rare, it is mainly nausea and vomiting. In case of overdose, it can cause hot flashes, dizziness, convulsions or increased heart rate.

It is possible that the sage causes a decrease in the vigilance or a sleep, it is thus necessary to be very careful when driving vehicles or machines.

Moreover, sage can interact with treatments given to fight insomnia or anxiety such as benzodiazepines (alprazolam, bromazepam, ..), but also some neuroleptics to fight against psychological diseases such as epilepsy.

People who take anticoagulants, must also be careful, because sage is rich in vitamin K, which could interfere with this type of treatment.

To make it simple, vitamin K is the basis of blood clotting, if its level increases it causes an increase in blood clotting within the arteries and an increase in the risk of thrombosis (artery blocked by a clot). Anticoagulants prevent the action of vitamin K to allow the blood to be fluid and to circulate quietly without obstacle within the arteries.

If you ever wish to consume sage, it is imperative to first ask the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

In case of pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is recommended not to consume it outside of reasonable dietary use, sage-based herbal teas are also to be avoided.

The use of sage is not recommended for children under 18 years old.

Finally, it is advisable to keep the fresh leaves in the refrigerator and to consume them in the days after the harvest or the purchase. As for the dry plant, it should be kept in a dry, cool place, away from humidity and light.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3CzlCm-0Yh7-lYM6K2SfVg?sub_confirmation=1

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