What are the benefits of ARGININE? When to consume arginine? The information in 7 minutes

You can find in this Youtube video and in this health and wellness blog post :

- The benefits of arginine

- The precursor of arginine

- Food sources of arginine

- The dangers of arginine

- Arginine to increase muscle mass

- Arginine and high blood pressure

- Arginine as a dietary supplement

- Recommendations and advice on arginine supplementation

Arginine is an amino acid (molecule that enters the composition of proteins).

Arginine is not an essential amino acid, as we can make it in our bodies from another amino acid called ornithine.

Arginine can also come to our bodies through food. It is present in some whole grains such as brown rice, oats, buckwheat, nuts, but also in red meat, poultry, fish and dairy products.

Arginine is involved in cell division, the proper functioning of the immune system, the healing of wounds and injuries, the elimination of ammonia (a molecule produced in the intestine, kidneys or muscles, it is toxic for our body, it is transformed into urea in the liver to be eliminated by the kidneys) and the secretion of various hormones such as insulin, glucagon and growth hormone, the latter allows to increase muscle mass.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the effects of arginine and ornithine on muscle mass are only felt at very high and dangerous doses for the body.

It is from arginine that our body can produce nitric oxide and creatine.

The amount of arginine produced in our body is generally sufficient to meet our needs in this amino acid.

Arginine is also known for its possible effects on the cardiovascular system, because it allows the production of nitric oxide which has vasodilator properties (promotes the dilation of arteries to allow blood to flow easily). However, the downside is that arginine in large quantities also leads to the production of other molecules that destroy the cardiovascular system, such as free radicals and homocysteine.

Be aware that taking arginine is contraindicated in patients suffering from heart disease (angina, myocardial infarction) due to a much higher risk compared to the potential benefits, it can increase the risk of death.

It is interesting to know that arginine, present in medicines or in food supplements, is used to fight against fatigue, stimulate immunity and facilitate digestion.

It is imperative to know that this amino acid should not be taken by people who suffer from cardiovascular problems, it is also not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people who suffer from kidney problems.

If you are ever prone to cold sores or herpes, you should not take arginine, as it may activate herpes attacks.

The side effects encountered with arginine are nausea, stomach ache and diarrhea.

To promote the secretion of growth hormone, regular practice of sports is the best stimulant. In fact, taking arginine or ornithine as a dietary supplement is not recommended because of the health risks they can cause, especially in high doses.

Arginine can cancel the effect of lysine taken in case of herpes, it can also interact with treatments given to fight against high blood pressure.

It is therefore essential not to take this amino acid as a supplement if you are taking these different treatments.

Dr. Noura Marashi (doctor of pharmacy, health youtuber, creator of the health and well-being application Pharmaquiz)

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