What are the effects of VALERIANA? How does valerian calm anxiety? Info in 6 min

In this youtube video and in this health and wellness blog post you will find :

- The active principles of valerian

- Valerian and cats

- The effects of valerian

- How to take valerian?

- The reverse effects of valerian

- Recommendations, side effects and contraindications of valerian

Valerian is a plant mainly used to limit anxiety, stress and promote sleep, but it has many subtleties to know imperatively before using it.

Valerian is mostly cultivated in Europe and Asia.

It can be used as a dry powder in capsules or in herbal tea. Some people also incorporate it in baths for its effects on the skin.

If you have cats, it is interesting to know that they are very sensitive to the smell of valerian.

This plant is mainly recommended in case of nervousness or sleep disorders, but also to reduce palpitations or digestive disorders such as spasms.

Taking baths with valerian also helps to relieve skin conditions such as acne, for example.

The main active ingredients in valerian are valerenic acid, valepotriates and glutamine. It is important to know that the modes of action of these active substances which allow the multiple effects of this plant within our body are not really known.

These active substances act in synergy and they lead to the formation of other molecules in our body which cause the effects of this plant.

Valerian is involved in the first stage of sleep, it helps to fall asleep.

Be aware that the effects on sleep appear after 2 to 4 weeks. If you do not see any improvement after a few days, it is normal.

To use it as an herbal tea, you just have to pour 1 teaspoon of the dry powder (that is 2 to 3 g) in a big glass of hot water and to let it infuse a few minutes then to drink the drink. It is possible to take 2 to 3 cups a day, the last cup should be taken 1 hour before going to bed.

If after 2 weeks, there is no improvement, it is better to consult your doctor.

People who suffer from hepatic problems (at the level of the liver) or who take treatments which can disturb the good functioning of their liver, should not consume this plant. As well as people who drive machines or vehicles, because it represents a risk of accident because of its action of drowsiness.

The side effects of valerian are headaches, dizziness and nausea.

This plant can also amplify the sedative effect of certain drugs and herbs such as sleeping pills, drugs given to limit anxiety, antidepressants, certain allergy treatments such as antihistamines like keterizine, but also treatments prescribed to fight behavioral disorders, certain painkillers derived from opium and drugs to relieve dry cough.

Valerian also interacts with anticoagulants such as anti-vitamin K drugs (warfarin, coumadin) and some anti-diarrheals. It is better not to take it if you are taking these types of treatments.

It is important to know that valerian can reduce the absorption of iron, so it should be avoided if you are taking iron supplements.

Valerian also interacts with alcohol. It is best to avoid taking alcohol when taking this plant.

Finally, it can interact with other medicinal plants such as St. John's wort for example.

Because of the numerous interactions, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice and specify all your treatments before taking valerian.

It is important to know that after 6 weeks of use, valerian can cause the opposite effect, i.e. insomnia. The daily intake of this plant should not exceed 6 weeks.

Valerian can cause a withdrawal effect when it is stopped, this is expressed by palpitations, agitation, ...

To limit this withdrawal effect, it is recommended to stop taking valerian very gradually by decreasing the dose by 2 and then by spacing the doses over the week.

Finally, you should know that valerian should be avoided in case of pregnancy, breast-feeding and in children under 12 years old.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3CzlCm-0Yh7-lYM6K2SfVg?sub_confirmation=1

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