Sleep apnea syndrome: definition, signs, causes, treatments, complications


You find in this video and in this article:

- the definition of sleep apnea syndrome or SAS

- complications that sleep apnea syndrome can cause

- The diagnosis of sleep apnea syndrome

- Risk factors for sleep apnea syndrome

- The causes of sleep apnea syndrome

- Treatments of sleep apnea syndrome: continuous or VPPC positive pressure ventilation, surgery

To start, know that people who suffer from sleep apnea syndrome stop of to breathe or have a reduction of their breathing For a few seconds during their sleep at night. This leads to a decrease in blood oxygenation. The heart work increases to optimize oxygen reserves.

The person wakes up repeatedly during the night, which prevents him from having a restful sleep. She is tired and she falls asleepat different times in daytime, which can be a factor of risk accident road and/or work.

How do you know if you suffer from this syndrome?

You should know that in France, sleep apnea syndrome is posed when in an hour's sleep, the person stops breathing or has a decrease in his breathing for at least 10 seconds, more 10 times in a row.

Reduction of breathing also called hypopnea is observed when the blood is less saturated with oxygen.

Symptoms of sleep apnea are not necessarily perceptible by the sleeper, they aredetectedby his loved ones.

We find :

- Intense snoring

- Drowsiness during the day

- Headache upon waking up

- Night sweats

- Regular awakenings during the night to urinate

- Irritability, aggressiveness and temporary depression

We can also observe somnambulism and enuresis (pee in bed) in some cases.

It should be noted that this syndrome could promote the appearance of a high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and Type 2 diabetes.

The causes of this syndrome are generally physical. Indeed, certain anomalies in the palace, tongue, jaw bones, or even the simple fact of having blocked noseMost the right passage of air, causing apnea.

This apnea can also be favored by different factors such as:

- Overweight

- Alcohol consumption

- Go on your back

- Taking certain types of sleeping tablets

- The obstruction of the nasal routes due of a common cold or a allergy

It is interesting to know that this phenomenon often occurs in people who suffer fromhigh blood pressure, of Type 2 diabetes and/orhypothyroidism.

To effectively diagnose and process sleep apnea syndrome, the patient is recommended to stay in a specialized center On the study of sleep.

This stay will make it possible to make the diagnosis, but also to monitor different patient parameters such as his heart rate, his brain activity, the saturation of his oxygen blood ...

The most common treatment of sleep apnea syndrome is night ventilation in continuous positive pressure or Ppc.

It is simply a device that sends air within the body via a mask placed on the nose, which prevents apnea or reducing breathing during the night.

Finally, know that in some cases a surgery Can be offered to the patient to remedy anatomical anomalies.

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

Pharmaquiz YouTube channel:

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