Vitamins B1 and B3: roles, deficiency, food

In this video and in this article you will find:

- The role of vitamin B1 or thiamine

- The signs of a lack of vitamin B1

- Why take vitamin B1?

- What is vitamin B1 used for?

- The side effects of vitamin B1

- Contraindications of vitamin B1

- Foods rich in vitamin B1

- The role of vitamin B3 or niacin

- What are the symptoms of a lack of vitamin B3?

- The side effects of vitamin B3

- Contraindications of vitamin B3

- Pregnancy and vitamin B1, B3

- Where to find vitamin B3

- Advice and recommendations on vitamins B1 and B3

To begin with, you should know that vitamins B1 and B3 are hydrophilic vitamins, which means that they are attracted to water and aqueous substances (which contain water).

Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine.

It is involved in many reactions in our body.

It allows the transformation of glucose into energy, it participates in the metabolism (transformation) of amino acids (molecules that bind together to form proteins).

Finally, it plays a very important role in the transmission of nerve messages and in our brain functions such as memorization, mood or intellectual capacities.

Vitamin B1 deficiency is called beriberi, it results in foot pain, cardiac and neurological problems, difficulties in carrying out movements, heart failure, but also intellectual and psychological disorders.

It mainly affects people who: do not eat enough, suffer from alcoholism or anorexia, consume a lot of carbohydrates.

People affected by chronic intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, celiac disease or gluten intolerance) may also be lacking in vitamin B1. Indeed, these pathologies tend to decrease the absorption of this vitamin.

Certain medications can also promote its elimination, such as diuretics.

Vitamin B1 is mainly used to make up for the deficiency.

It can also be recommended to fight against fatigue and muscle cramps, but unlike magnesium, its effectiveness has not yet been really proven when taken alone in these 2 indications.

The effects of vitamin B1 are amplified when taken with other vitamins in this group such as vitamin B6 and magnesium.

It is important to know that pregnant women should limit their intake of vitamin B1 (not take more than 3 mg per day).

Food sources of vitamin B1 are: whole grains, meats, vegetables, fruits, brewer's yeast, oysters, seafood, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

Gerblé Springing, wheat germ to sprinkle

Be aware that drinking tea or coffee, even decaffeinated, reduces the absorption of this vitamin. It is therefore advisable to put a delay of 2 hours between the consumption of these drinks and vitamin B1.

Solgar Vitamin B1 Thiamine 100 Capsules 100 mg

Let's move on to vitamin B3, also known as niacin or vitamin PP, which is made up of two molecules, nicotinic acid and nicotinamide.

It is involved in the production of energy, the metabolism of fatty acids, proteins and carbohydrates, the synthesis of sex hormones, but also the production of red blood cells (blood cells that carry oxygen through the blood).

This vitamin also plays a role in the regulation of gene expression by the cell.

The expression of genes corresponds to the cellular activity that allows the production of different substances (proteins, ...) from the code that is found within the genes (part of the DNA).

The lack of vitamin B3 is called pellagra, it mainly affects people who suffer from chronic intestinal diseases (Crohn's disease, celiac disease or gluten intolerance), liver disorders as well as people who suffer from alcoholism or malnutrition.

The symptoms of this deficiency are skin problems, photosensitivity (redness, itching and inflammation upon exposure to the sun), tingling, dizziness, diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite, and psychological disturbances.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this deficiency must not be neglected, as it can lead to serious complications and even be fatal.

Vitamin B3 is mainly used to remedy the deficiency. 

Nicotinic acid can be offered separately to combat the increase in cholesterol and triglycerides by increasing HDL levels.

Taking this vitamin in high doses is contraindicated in: pregnant women, nursing mothers, people with liver or kidney problems, people with diabetes, excess uric acid or gout.

This vitamin may cause liver problems, itching, headaches, hot flashes or stomach problems in some people as side effects.

It can also interact with various medications such as anti-epileptics, anticoagulants, statins (treatment of excess cholesterol), certain treatments for high blood pressure or diabetes ... limiting their effectiveness.

Vitamin B3 should only be taken under medical advice with regular monitoring of liver activity.

The food sources of vitamin B3 are: meats, poultry, brewer's yeast, vegetables, fish and almonds.

It is interesting to know that tryptophan (amino acid) helps in the production of vitamin B3.

Vitamins B1 and B3 must be taken in through our diet on a regular basis, as they are not produced in our body or in very small quantities.

Our body absolutely needs these vitamins, so it is necessary to consume products that contain them to meet our needs.

You should also know that they are not stored in our body. The excess of these vitamins is eliminated every day through urine, so we must bring them to our body every day through food.

The lack of vitamins B1 and B3 is rare in industrialized countries, a varied and balanced diet can meet our needs in these 2 vitamins of the B group

Here is an article and a video devoted to the top 3 of group B vitamins: vitamin B6, vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12, click here

Dr Noura Marrai (Doctor of Pharmacy, YouTuber Health, creator of the health well-being Pharmaquiz application),

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