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  • Les aliments sans gluten sont-ils vraiment plus sains ?

    Les aliments sans gluten sont-ils vraiment plus sains ? 🥖🚫

    Le gluten est souvent pointé du doigt, mais faut-il vraiment l’éliminer pour être en meilleure santé ? Cet article explique ce qu’est le gluten, qui doit réellement l’éviter et si les produits sans gluten sont plus sains. Contrairement aux idées reçues, les alternatives sans gluten ne sont pas toujours meilleures : elles peuvent contenir plus d’additifs et moins de nutriments essentiels. Plutôt que de bannir le gluten, mieux vaut privilégier une alimentation équilibrée et naturelle ! 📲 Besoin de conseils personnalisés ? Télécharge l’application Pharmaquiz !

  • The best foods to boost your energy!

    If you often feel tired or low on energy, your diet could be to blame. Certain nutrient-rich foods can provide you with the sustained energy you need to face the day. Discover the best foods to boost your energy naturally and how to incorporate them into your daily meals.
  • Faut-il réduire les glucides pour perdre du poids ?

    Faut-il réduire les glucides pour perdre du poids ? 🍞❌📉

    Les glucides sont essentiels à notre énergie, mais leur rôle dans la prise de poids est souvent mal compris. Plutôt que de les éliminer totalement, il est préférable de choisir les bons glucides : privilégier les céréales complètes, les légumineuses et les fibres, tout en limitant les sucres raffinés. Supprimer les glucides peut entraîner des carences (vitamines B, magnésium) et des complications comme la fatigue ou la perte de cheveux. Une alimentation équilibrée reste la meilleure approche pour perdre du poids durablement.

    📲 Besoin de conseils personnalisés ? Télécharge l'application Pharmaquiz !

  • Losing weight: cardio or weight training?

    When you're looking to lose weight, it can be difficult to know whether to opt for cardio or weight training. Both types of exercise have their specific advantages, but which is more effective in achieving your goals? Find out how these two forms of exercise can help you lose weight, and how to choose the one that's right for you.
  • How do you know if a diet is working?

    Measuring your progress effectively is essential to staying motivated during your weight loss journey. Focusing solely on the weight on the scale can be misleading. Find out how to assess your progress with a variety of methods for a complete view of your health.
  • How is AI revolutionizing access to medical information?

    How is AI revolutionizing access to medical information?
     With the explosion of intelligent technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the healthcare field. Accessing reliable medical information has never been easier, thanks to AI, which offers instant, personalized answers. Discover how AI is changing the way we interact with health information.

  • How can you boost your heart and cardiovascular health?

    A healthy heart is essential for overall well-being. Exercise plays a crucial role in maintaining cardiovascular health. Discover 5 effective exercises you can incorporate into your routine to strengthen your heart and improve your health.
  • Losing weight: 10 tips to stay motivated!

    Weight loss can be a difficult journey, and maintaining motivation throughout the process is crucial. Discover 10 practical tips to stay motivated and reach your weight loss goals.
  • How can you improve your well-being?

    Practicing gratitude can transform your state of mind and improve your mental well-being. Studies show that cultivating a sense of gratitude can have a positive impact on your mental health, happiness and resilience. Discover how gratitude can enrich your life.
  • How to treat anxiety without medication?

    Cognitive behavioral therapies (CBTs) have become a popular approach to treating anxiety. They focus on modifying negative thoughts and behaviors to improve mental health. Find out how CBT can help you manage your anxiety and improve your quality of life.
  • 5 nutrition myths you need to forget

    Nutrition is a field where many myths persist, even in the information age. These false beliefs can not only hinder your efforts to eat well, but also compromise your health. Discover five of the biggest nutrition myths and the truth behind them.
  • How to prevent chronic diseases with a balanced diet

    Many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers, can be prevented through a healthy, balanced diet. By modifying certain aspects of your diet, you can reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases and considerably improve your quality of life. Here's how a balanced diet can play a crucial role in preventing these diseases.